Table of Contents
With the successful year of 2018, 2019 is expected to have double the advancements and improvements with the introduction of newer technologies. Businesses are going more towards online processes and transactions.
The coming year is going to see more traffic on various websites and also high cabling needs. These cabling of networks and storage can be managed by Servers. This means that there is going to be a rise in the number of servers sold and almost all organizations will require the services of servers to function.
Talking about small businesses includes various startups and beginners who have fewer capital budgets and high expectations. Fitting the best service on a limited budget can be a problem for small businesses to decide which service could be more efficient for them and their services.

When it comes to servers, it becomes a difficult choice to choose as they have to take decisions among various server types, processors, hard drives, and other options to choose from, it’s almost impossible to know where to begin from.
Well, we here at Serverstack are going to help you out as we are going to list down the three most important things to consider and the steps to follow to choose the best small business server 2019.
The three most important things to consider are: –
- Best budget efficient server.
- Best valued server.
- Best powerhouse server.
The steps to follow for choosing the appropriate server are as follows: –
1. Start researching about the server specifications and configurations on which you want to run your applications.
With server specifications, we mean which RAM, processor, and operating system would be probable for you to run your applications. So, we’ve figured out two ways as follows: –
One way could be to research by yourself this could be done firstly by making a list of applications you are planning to run on the server. How many users are needed to be served currently and in the coming future secondly, research to look for advice and other observations conducted by others which could depict how many resources this application may use.
The other way could be to hire an expert server consulate and provide all the information to the respective consulate about your requirements and resources the company’s applications may use.
2. Determine if you want to purchase the server to be installed in your office or want to lease it on a cloud.
Being a small business, you should take the decision firmly which could suit your budgetary measures. You should consider all the pros and cons of keeping the server in an office or leasing it onto the cloud and then come up with a decision that is favorable to your operations.
3. Choose the server according to your budget.
There are many varieties of servers whose price starts at approximately 100$ and can go up to 1500$-2000$. You should create a specific budget according to your small business’s ability and then make a decision. Though you should avoid taking cheap servers as they are not that performance efficient. You should also consider quality servers that could suit your requirements more firmly.
4. Select the Server type you want.
If you’ve decided that you’ll host your server in the data center then you have to choose a kind of server among the Hybrid server, Cloud Server, and Dedicated server. You should first understand deeply what these servers are, their pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages, and then choose the one which could be well-suited to your business applications, requirements, and your budget.
5. Order your server and Get Set Go
Now with the above steps, you must have decided about which processor, RAM, server type, and other requirements are and have made the decision for your brand new small business server. If you’ve purchased the physical server from us, we’ll get your server delivered without any shipping charges and will instruct you on the installation of various components such as hard drives and RAM.
If you want to get your server hosted in a data center, all you need to do is visit Serverstack’s website, place an order and we’ll get your services installed within 24 hours.
So, what are you waiting for? Visit our website and buy the most affordable server with exclusive features for your small business.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. What is a Small Business Server?
A small business server is usually a low-end server that is designed to be reliable and manageable in a small business environment. Small Business servers are ideal for one to hundreds of workers and can come with the software required to operate the server pre-installed.
Q2. Does my small business need a server?
With the power of cloud computing, many small businesses do not require a server. However, physical servers have some security advantages over cloud servers, and physical servers are more versatile.
Q3. What are the types of Servers?
- File servers
- Print servers
- Application servers
- DNS servers
- Mail servers
- Web servers
- Database servers
- Virtual servers
- Proxy servers